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Christopher Ward

A startup by three smart Liverpudlians. Swiss watches manufactured in Biel, designed in England, and only available online at a price to make Rolex, Patek Phillipe, Breitling etc. weep.

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Hook Norton

A series of posters and flyers at

food and drink fairs and music festivals, to let attendees know that Hook Norton is no faddish, trendy craft ale. They've been doing this for years.


Action Net Zero

A winning pitch for a community interest company to persuade drivers in traffic-choked Bristol to switch to electric cars. Making the point with cheeky, thought-provoking humour and not getting all Greta Thunberg about it. 


Print ads for Hayter lawnmowers marking their 70th year in business, and some absorbing content on cultivating the perfect, quintessentially British lawn. 



University of Gloucestershire

Over the four years I worked with the university, a combination of compelling digital and DM boosted attendances at open days, resulting in new student admissions rising by a fifth from where they'd been.


TV & Film

Before we had big data, we had big ideas. The only thing that would make an ad work was that it had to be good. Here are a few that did the trick, made by the production company I co-founded.


Pitches and one-offs

A few one-offs, and some pitches that hit the post. InDesign stuff and scamps, bashed out late into the night, guzzling pizza and full fat coke - very healthy!




Some work I produced for STIHL during my three years on the account. Including a dealer conference video, narrated by Alan Ford, who did the same job on the gangster classic Lock, Stock, and played the terrifying Brick Top in Snatch. He urged dealers to 'Tool Up To Profit', which they did, probably because they were, pardon the pun, bricking it.

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When things were going pear-shaped for Big 6 energy supplier, npower, they overhauled the business from top to bottom. This film was part of a programme of internal communications to rally npower’s workforce.

Shire Pharmaceuticals

Pan-European concepts for Intuniv, a new ADHD medication developed for children and teenagers, and DM encouraging GPs to reassess medication at the stressful time of going back to school after the long summer holidays.  Well received by GPs and HCPs at focus groups across Europe. This was about the mundanities of everyday life, for parents of a child with ADHD, humdrum, uneventful life is what they dream of.

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Empire Dogs


A lovely packaging job . Hot dogs made from prime British meat, blended with exotic spices, which once arrived at London’s spice wharves southeast of the Thames back in the 1920s after perilous ocean crossings. The ingredients for some great stories centred around fictional, colourful dockers.


Macular Society

Macular Degeneration is the UK's biggest cause of sight loss. Sometimes a condition called Charles Bonnet syndrome follows, side-effects are often horrific hallucinations. This incredible charity supports those affected, and funds research to find a cure.  With films made by Aardman, this work really opened eyes to the illness. It opened wallets too, pulling in over 3,000 new donors.

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Disney Channel

Promo for Family Movie Night on the Disney Channel, one of several I was responsible for, two of which won Gold and Silver at PROMAX, annual awards for the best in international TV branding.

Open Innovation is an online tendering process, where companies, often huge ones, can source solutions to business issues from outside of their organisation; from literally anyone, anywhere in the world. This film got a lot of Solverboard signups amongst those wanting to be part of it.

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A few clients I've worked for
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