Print ads for Hayter lawnmowers marking their 70th year in business, and some absorbing content on cultivating the perfect, quintessentially British lawn.
Some work I produced for STIHL during my three years on the account. Including a dealer conference video, narrated by Alan Ford, who did the same job on the gangster classic Lock, Stock, and played the terrifying Brick Top in Snatch. He urged dealers to 'Tool Up To Profit', which they did, probably because they were, pardon the pun, bricking it.
Shire Pharmaceuticals
Pan-European concepts for Intuniv, a new ADHD medication developed for children and teenagers, and DM encouraging GPs to reassess medication at the stressful time of going back to school after the long summer holidays. Well received by GPs and HCPs at focus groups across Europe. This was about the mundanities of everyday life, for parents of a child with ADHD, humdrum, uneventful life is what they dream of.
Empire Dogs
A lovely packaging job . Hot dogs made from prime British meat, blended with exotic spices, which once arrived at London’s spice wharves southeast of the Thames back in the 1920s after perilous ocean crossings. The ingredients for some great stories centred around fictional, colourful dockers.
Macular Society
Macular Degeneration is the UK's biggest cause of sight loss. Sometimes a condition called Charles Bonnet syndrome follows, side-effects are often horrific hallucinations. This incredible charity supports those affected, and funds research to find a cure. With films made by Aardman, this work really opened eyes to the illness. It opened wallets too, pulling in over 3,000 new donors.